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We're unlocking the keys to clarity in the areas of
Seeking clarity or want even MORE clarity in the areas of self, love, and career?
You're in the right place my friend.
Join us as we commit to actually taking action + getting clear on our true desires!
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With over 7 years of educational and clinical experience in Mental Health, with Rhaya Lynn you're in well-equipped hands. Rhaya brings her warm and empathic approach to provide you with the perfect setting to facilitate transformation.
Originally from Vancouver Island and now living a nomadic lifestyle based in Bali, her signature coaching programs have helped folks all around the world embody vibrancy and have more confidence, clarity, and ease in their lives.
Rhaya earned her Master of Occupational Therapy and Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia, formerly working in the public and private sectors of mental health and addiction. She works on both conscious and unconscious levels to facilitate powerful, lasting change. She is grounded in evidence-based methods of changing limiting core beliefs and less desirable habits.
"Doing this work with Rhaya has been the most expansive thing that I've done for myself"

"Rhaya creates this space for a woman to feel open and safe and that they can share and grow, with other women that are also taking that chance to just dive deeper and discover themselves. By doing so, we discovered we have very similar reasons that brought us there. Different stories, but the core of it is the same that we're feeling either stuck or that we want more out of life. And if you want more out of life, then I think the best way to do that is through this self-work.
I know these lessons that I'm learning could really change my life in the course of my life, especially as a woman at the age that we're at, you want to be the creator of your life. And doing the self-work with Rhaya just feels like the tool to get me there."
Alexis, Social Media Manager, USA
When I first began this journey, I was struggling with how stagnant my life had become. I fell completely out of touch with the things that made me feel alive and could hardly bring myself to do the things that I usually enjoyed.
I feel like a different person now. I feel lighter, the chatter in my head is kinder and I see possibilities all around me. I feel like I’ve gained a fresh perspective on how to move through life and I am better for it.
I’ve learned how to give myself permission for the things that I want that I otherwise did not think I could have. Things that I want are possible for me and that’s perfectly acceptable.
I’ve seen, in a new light, just how powerful my mind is. How to support myself with simple shifts like befriending my inner critic rather than turning her away. Or how making room for new beliefs can make all the difference between achieving a goal or not. And how quickly reframing a single thought can turn a negative moment in time completely around.
FIND EASE has changed my world. When I started, I was living predominantly in my head. Now, I’m equipped with reminders and tools to ground into my body and keep me present. I’m kinder to myself, no longer feeling stuck and I’m taking better care of myself. Best of all, I’ve given myself permission to pursue a long-held dream of mine - moving cross country! I’m proud of myself for showing up, leaning into the discomfort, tending to myself with compassion and taking the leap to invest in myself.
To future clients on the fence— FIND EASE will change your life and you are worth the investment!
Kayla M, Life Coach, USA